Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't cry for me, Argentina.

The truth is I never left you.

When I grow up, I want to be just like you. If people were countries, we'd just advance in technologies and in knowledge in trades. Or something of the sort. If people were fonts, you'd just make the font size bigger and bolder. And if people if were Bob Ross' afro, we just wouldn't cut or comb ourselves. But we're human and I'd like to thing that if we grow up, we've grown up because of the little things that help us learn and let us grow as people. Maybe it's the fact that you don't feel you have to finish your bag of chips in one sitting, and that you know that even if you put them away, they'll be waiting for you there later. {hopefully} Maybe it's when you have to take naps during the daytime because you're so tired from doing so much in the mornings. I believe it's when you engage in selfless acts without being selfish. When you give unto others, without expecting compensation. Like a gift with no return. Anyone can grow up, children can grow up even while still being children, though it's rare. I'm no grown up, but I'm precocious. When I grow up, I don't know when it will be or what I will be but the truth is I probably will still be the same person, with most of the same beliefs which means I'll probably feel confused the rest of my life. I'm not a grown up. In fact, I still write on my face and steal your candy.
It would be great to know what your future could be like, but it's not so one-sided.
New Slang. Gold teeth and the curse of this town are both in my mouth. And the truth is, aren't we all happier when we have no mindsets. When we believe our lives are simpler by simply ignoring our duties. Until we break like a boat's hull under the realization that we've never done anything worth telling stories about. And the truth is, it's easier to pretend you'll never grow up, and it's easier to bleed on your own needs and treat your friends like your enemies. or to be rid of your friends. I'd like to sit down and James Lipton everyone I know. Maybe their heart is in the right place, maybe they mean well. Maybe I'm just putting it off, maybe everyone is just vindictive and malicious deep inside and deep inside, I know that's the truth. We're all evil but nobody has the right to be.


Sam said...

there are many occasions when i feel like you are the grown up and i'm your little sister, strange, i don't think i will ever feel like a grown up, even when i can fully support myself... even when everyone else around me thinks i am... because i still have children-like-aspirations... because i still lie about stupid things... and maybe because i still want to cuddle with u and mom like when we were little...